Phase 1 – Composting

Outdoor and/or indoor compost fermentation technology

Professional support during each stage of the growing process

At Dalsem we supply optimal systems for the fermentation process, the most important phase in mushroom cultivation

Changes in environmental legislation are imposing ever-increasing emphasis on emission control. The Dalsem Mushroom Projects indoor composting technology for Phase-I fermentation is a guaranteed response to these changes.

Our Phase-I indoor composting combines all the mixing equipment, moisturising, and fermentation in compliance with the most stringent requirements. The closed vessel composting is placed inside a completely enclosed building that is kept under a constant negative air pressure. No air, water, or noise emissions can be emitted without going through a series of scrubbers, filters, and the like.

In order to meet the demand with a lower available budget we also supplies integrated outdoor composting for Phase-I in open-bunker or on aerated floor, both with completely controlled air-distribution.

We're with you every step of the way:

Concrete grids

Concrete grids are available for tunnels 3 and 4m wide. Average opening 40%.
Support option 1: by lateral stub walls.
Support option 2: by support beams.d

Spigot Floors

Spigot floors are designed for phase I and phase II facilities.
Usual diameter of the PVC pipes is 160 mm. Spigots come as a standard product.
Air volumes: 10 to 15 m3/hr per ton of phase I compost; 200 m3/hr per ton of phase II/III compost. Pressures: 3500-6000 Pa, depending on flling height.

Retaining boards

Retaining boards are available in two different designs.

Type 1: for compost tunnels wit a grid floor, max. 4 m. Comes with aluminium posts and aluminium boards. Reinforced and sliders to fix the board to the wall.

Type 2: for compost tunnels with a spigot floor, max. 8.5 m. Similar to type 1, but reinforced and in different parts. A galvanised tube to support the boards at the higher level and with sliders is part of the supply. At the rear of the tunnel the board has a foot plate of heavy duty galvanised steel as backing for discharging the last bit of compost with a front loader.

Dalsem constructions:

  • construction_12

Solutions for tomorrow’s mushroom growing industry

Professional support during each stage of the growing process

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