Computer control systems

We develop, engineer and manufacture our own state of the art computer control system

State of the art computer control system.

Making your composting or mushroom cultivation control process much easier.

The DMP VEC computer control system for compost preparation and mushroom growing is generally accepted as the most advanced computer system in the industry.

Composting and mushroom growing is all about achieving the optimal growing conditions. The DMP VEC computer control system is specifically designed to control and monitor the entire farm process from phase 1, through phase 2/3 up to growing.

Our VEC computer control system is the latest generation of computers using the most modern technology. The system meet the CE and industrial standards.


The VEC 41 is an independent controller for every individual climate unit; bunker, tunnel, growing room, central unit, etc. Manage and control 1 type of controller for all applications and all parts are exchangeable.


You can control and monitor your entire operation easily via the central VEC 42 plant manager. Provide all connected VEC 41 controllers with tasks, set & control parameters, monitor measured data, create clear and accessible graphics of measured data, etc. The VEC 42 plant manager makes the data of all connected VEC 41 controllers centrally accessible. Moreover, you can remotely and safely access the system with your phone, tablet, laptop, etc. via the internet.


The DMP VEC computer system has 3 main modules:

VEC 41

• 1 system for bunkers, tunnels, rooms, central units, etc.
• 7″ full touch color screen display
• Full information visible on the screen
• Easy access to all set points and parameters
• All the latest energy saving climatic features
• Software updates possible by remote uploading
• Standalone version available
• Stainless steel box design, EMC compatible
• 24 volt power supply to servo motors and actuators included
• No calibration required
• Removable connectors for fast service

VEC 42 Plant Manager

• PC with latest multilingual Microsoft Windows version
• Centrally manage all connected controllers
• Touch screen or classic screens, internet router and other features
• All necessary software preinstalled
• Full program, graphics, communication software and data storage
• Various alarm communication methods available
• Communication by CAN with all VEC41 and VEC43 controllers
• Integrated automatic spraying program
• Remotely access the system via the internet

VEC 43 CO² Multiplexer

• A multiplexing unit for measuring the CO² in every individual room
• Measurement ranges from 0 up to 10.000 ppm
• Stainless steel housing
• Available in 8 or 18 inputs multiplexer
• Communications via the CAN network

DMP is constantly developing and evolving it's computer control systems to provide you with the very best farm management system available on the market today.

Highlights for managers

Easy to manage, 1 system for all applications
Quick menus & report capabilities
Various alarm communication methods available
Easy user access controls
Remote software updates
No calibration required, saving time and money

Highlights for growers

Easy to monitor & control, 1 system for all applications
Touch function gives easy access

Full color graphics for monitoring
Important information clearly visible on main screen
Latest energy saving features available
No calibration required, always the right measurement values

DMP computers and accessories

The latest technology at your fingertips.

DMP computer control systems.

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