Picking platforms & nets

We offer different types of picking platforms with various options for your mushroom farm.

Platforms designed for safety and easy picking.

Our picking platforms are designed for enhanced safety and picking efficiency.

Picking lorries

TYPE 1: Picking lorry with 1 ladder and a crank for easy lifting and lowering of the platform. Aluminum platform and frame. Multiple options available: side wheels for easy transport, one hand lorry brake system, galvanized steel safety fence, fall protection mechanism, etc.

TYPE 2: Picking lorry with 2 ladders. Aluminum platform, frame can be either galvanized steel or aluminum. Multiple options available: side wheels for easy transport, one hand lorry brake system, galvanized steel safety fence, fall protection mechanism, etc.

Other types of picking lorries are also available. Please contact us for more information.


We are official dealer of Nicolon nets and can supply various types of tunnel pulling nets, tunnel gliding nets, growing nets and casing soil nets. Sizes according to your specifications. We can also supply rubber fixing profiles for the gliding nets.

DMP picking lorries:

Picking lorry with 1 ladder and a crank

• Aluminum platform and frame
• Crank for lifting and lowering the platform
• Optional side wheels for easy transport
• Optional one hand lorry brake system
• Optional galvanized steel safety fence
• Optional fall safety mechanism

Picking lorry with 2 ladders.

• Aluminum platform with steel suspension
• Galvanized steel or aluminum frame
• Optional side wheels for easy transport
• Optional one hand lorry brake system
• Optional galvanized steel safety fence
• Optional fall safety mechanism

Our picking lorries are of the highest quality for competitive prices

DMP picking platforms & nets

Improving efficiency and boosting productivity.

DMP, when quality matters!

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